Jardineros de Placitas is a non-profit organization in existence since 1965. Our
organization is governed by a Constitution and Bylaws; there are Standing Policies. Bylaws
and Standing Policies are regularly reviewed and changed as required to meet the needs of
the membership and fulfill the goals of the organization.
Jardineros de Placitas has a Board of Directors that includes representation by elected
officers and committee chairs. Each officer and committee chair position has a job
description. Job descriptions are reviewed and revised as needed.
Below are links to downloadable copies of our Constitution/Bylaws, Standing Policies and
Job Descriptions. a current listing of board of directors and committee chairs is available
on the Membership page.
Revised bylaws were approved by the
membership on 1/24/2025.
The Club logo, which incorporates
both the Club's color (yellow) and
flower (Chamisa) was adopted as a
result of a 2013 contest, which was
won by
Natalie Searl.
The logo is used for letterheads and
name tags.
A Joyful Journey — Celebrating 60 Years of Sharing & Caring